Sunday, December 7, 2008

Separate But Not Alone

Last night there was an impromptu gathering of Separatists in the library. We have claimed a space as ours (flag to follow?) and spent the evening talking of love, loss, conference work, 'draising schemes, sex, language, and the simple joy of snow falling. --- I'm not sure how to describe the events that transpired, nor could I even name the emotions felt by those present, but I know that there was communication. and progress. and the clashing of wavelengths. and sometimes not knowing what to say (line?) but perhaps being all the better for the warm silence.

We are all separate and beautiful people with good intentions.


  1. Anonymous8.12.08

    Bem- hém'ìm, hàmke-m.
    (I'm so sorry, Walker.)

  2. Anonymous8.12.08

    Apart = a part


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Some formatting tips:
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*mama thread
*sex thread
*ride board
*book swap
*separatist names
*suggestions? copy all the previous posts that belong in the new thread and write a little intro, & we'll post it all