Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Multimedia Jam Session and Primal Scream

This Friday is the most extensive campus variety show in living memory--Red Pill: 23 student performances in 3 hours, Reisinger from 8 to 11pm, including all your favorites. The Georgian Separatists have signed up for a slot, essentially to make music/poetry/song/dance spontaneously on stage in front of everyone for four minutes, with Dziga Vertov's silent abstract Russian masterpiece Man With A Movie Camera projecting in the background. We've got some unusual instruments in the works: toy pianos, melodicas, accordion, banjo, African drum, thumb piano, ocarina and so on among more familiar fare. Don't be intimidated: anything entertaining you can do on stage can be part of it. Just feel the rhythm of what's going on and respond. Costumes and props are a plus. Comment if you think you can make it and maybe what you might do, but there's total room for just joining in. Our time will be somewhere between 9 and 10, and there's a sound check at 6:45 for those who need technology. Also, free soul food and mingling for performers in Common Ground from 6-8.


We're all stressed about our separate conference work and it's freaking each of us out. So this Saturday, for 60 seconds, let's bond over how scary and grueling it is to get everything done in the shortest conference time in years and scream out our stress.

It's simple, no commitment, hardly any time away from our papers. We just leave whatever we're doing at 7:58, round up the people around us in the library (they won't be able to focus during the scream anyway) or just apologize in advance, and congregate on the other side of the bridge.

Scream at the top of our lungs for one minute or a couple breaths' worth. Share, express, and fight the stress.

Then back to work.


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*mama thread
*sex thread
*ride board
*book swap
*separatist names
*suggestions? copy all the previous posts that belong in the new thread and write a little intro, & we'll post it all