Sunday, December 7, 2008

LorAnon Mama Thread

So we all know about [the late] slc anon [RIP] and its various havocs. Our main qualms are that the following:
  • We're all stressed out (except maybe Bacchus).
  • We have that in common and that's finally something we could own and agree on (see Primal Scream).
  • It's so hard to get good information these days about where the fun is.
  • There is no anonymous+creative on campus.
  • So many students deserve praise.
So please, if you have:
  • daydreams about a change you'd love to see,
  • fantasies for future revelry,
  • images of what a place on campus could look like redecorated or pimped,
  • made-up words,
  • silly confessions,
  • advice sought or offered,
  • useful tips,
  • things (but not people) on campus that bug you,
  • announcements,
  • jokes,
  • puns,
  • secret crushes,
  • loveletters,
  • or you just want to praise someone and not get shot down for it,
this is the place.

Let's not waste energy bashing each other--Westlands and Bates are happy and stress-free, shopping for their families' presents while we type and procrastinate.

How about some anonymity that's empowering and liberating instead of everyone-for-herself second grade taunting, which builds bad blood when we're already bleeding.

Let's say it's a new spin-off tradition. (Plus--the Georgian Separatists actually try to fix things. If folks agree something's broken, we'll get on that.)

The format's different so we can feel like we're in an integrated conversation. When one part of the conversation seems to take over to the potential discomfort/alienation of other readers, we spin it off into a new thread. All the blog posts on this site can be seen as potential conversation starters--no need to comment directly on the content of the post.

*mama thead
*sex thread
*ride board
*book swap
*community events
*separatist names
*suggestions? copy all the previous posts that belong in the new thread and write a little intro, & we'll post it all

So go.


  1. Anonymous9.12.08

    [crosspost from our deflating cousin]

    The Official Campaign
    2008-12-09 07:52 am UTC (link)
    To make the Three Foot Candleabra the Doyle Owl of Sarah Lawrence.

    Let's start stealing that shit and give the school a tradition that doesn't revolve around shit-talking.

  2. Anonymous9.12.08

    The Official Campaign
    2008-12-09 07:52 am UTC (link)
    To make the Three Foot Candleabra the Doyle Owl of Sarah Lawrence.

    Let's start stealing that shit and give the school a tradition that doesn't revolve around shit-talking.

  3. Anonymous9.12.08

    To be honest, I'm not too partial to the single thread method of posting. It can get somewhat tedious and a lot of messages can get lost in the undertow. Despite that, I'd like to say that I really like what this place has going for it. I mean, I generally think people take everything too seriously and I like that this place keeps a lighter tone. Still, there's something about open conflict I find interesting. The ability to say whatever the hell one wants without fear of repercussion creates the sincerest and often most heinous assholes out of even the best of us. I think, that so long as it remains funny and makes a point not to go too far, ridiculous evil can still be downright funny. Anyway, that's my two cents. I don't know if I'll keep up with LorAnon, but I'd like to say power to ya!

  4. Anonymous9.12.08

    2008-12-09 03:19 am UTC (link)
    I love when you smile and I love when you dance
    All I want for Hanukkah is you in my pants
    I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else...but you.

  5. Anonymous9.12.08

    *******Group masturbation******

    We are now going to move into the Bylaw changes
    Jasmine: It basically says that if a club chair misses a meeting, they can come to the Executive meeting
    Emily: I just was wondering if work is included in this
    Jasmine: WE feel like you can get out of work
    Angelina: I’m in support
    Elizabeth: I motion to approve
    Aiden: I object
    Kat: Friendly amendment, there’s a typo
    Aiden: I feel like restricting it to only academic is making it too strict, I know that we think having them come to senate shows there commitment to their club, but I think asking them to skip work, and miss a shift is something we can ask them to do. I’m not sure if they really need to come to senate
    Elizabeth: I understand why there should be other things that could prevent club chairs from coming to meetings, but I still think that they should come to senate, it helps us get to know them, and we’ll have a better connection to them because we need to get to know them since they’re part of the community we’re approving.
    Lily: Part of the thing we’re saying is that we’re saying it’s going to take too much time, so a loose proposal would be to have an isolated meeting just for club recognitions, or just do a separate meeting to approve all of them. I mean there must be a way to make it more optional, there are a lot of different reasons they can’t make it, and we should try and provide times that they are all available would help.
    Vera: I think that we know it’s important that clubs come here. This bylaw arose because we did not approve the one that stated the clubs would only go to exec in order to be recognized. I think we should keep the present one and the word academic because that gives us a greater flexibility
    Aiden: I would like to point out that clubs do not need to be recognized in order to get funding. They need to get funding if they need more than a thousand dollars.
    Bobby: I call to question
    Nineteen in formal

  6. Anonymous9.12.08

    "I still think that they should come to senate, it helps us get to know them, and we’ll have a better connection to them because we need to get to know them since they’re part of the community we’re approving"

    damage control?

  7. Anonymous9.12.08

    "Michelle: this discussion of everyone listing their personal commitments is unproductive and we should use constructive conversation"

    this is fascinating


  8. Anonymous9.12.08

    More silliness:

    "We’re going to go back to the roll of the parliamentarian. In your packet, Kara and I put together information about the history of the parliamentarian. You can see the bylaw change made stating that the parliamentarian is a non-voting member. There was never a final copy made in Neil’s year and Lauren’s year, and then the bylaws for last year, stated that the parliamentarian was a voting number. So we need to decide with the starting point. There are charts at on the wall where we can start with the original bylaws from 2006 before the alterations, or we can start on option b with the 07-07 bylaws, which we’ve been under. We can call to question and take a roll call vote, then we will say option A or option B, and that’s how we’re going to choose our starting point. I know everyone wants to talk about neutrality, but I promise we’ll get to it. Let’s open for questions and opinions/statements."

  9. Anonymous9.12.08

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Anonymous9.12.08

    "How do you know when you're in love?"
    "You just know."
    "Yes, but HOW do you know?"
    "You just KNOW."
    "You just know?"
    "That's right."
    "I'm in love with you."
    "Me too."

  11. Anonymous9.12.08

    There have been times where I, like everyone else, feel like I'm about to collapse or explode, but then I am bowled over by something chronically cool or interesting.
    Have you ever read the writing on the walls in the library study rooms? There is, of course, your usual fair of "balls" and "fuck you" and other such nonsense, but there is a great deal more as well. People leave pieces of themselves on those walls, or under the tables, or discreetly scribbled on the edge of a doorway. I am thinking about going through the rooms and writing all of them down.
    There lies another sarah lawrence anon.
    Check it.

  12. Anonymous9.12.08

    hey, whoever is going to the Black squirrel thing today at 1, we should also think about writing an article about this. I think even the people who don't read SLCanon should be informed

  13. Anonymous9.12.08

    @ Sascha Fierce

    desafortunadamente, you had me until straight. i am female. :(

  14. Anonymous9.12.08

    my current favorite lingo is silicone chalice. I want to make tender love with whoever coined that.

  15. Anonymous9.12.08

    I just woke up and no one has posted since last night?

    C'mon, interested party! Let's be the first loranon success story. I'm heading down to Bates after I have my pub brunch. Hopefully you'll be there?

  16. Anonymous9.12.08

    who wants to make sweet love to me? i'm the queen of diva cup and my chalice is beckoning. come to common ground. i'll be here till 4

  17. Anonymous9.12.08

    i'm cuming

    (in a diva cup)

  18. Anonymous9.12.08

    Help! I'm bizarrely impervious to stress...

    Deadlines are approaching, and I'm just not internalizing it. Granted, I am a hypochondriac, but I'm starting to get paranoid delusions that I'm pathologically immune to paranoid delusions. LorAnon only feeds my addiction. I need a 12-step group to quit my habit, let's say LorAnon Anonymous. Any advice?

    Where's Lucy from Peanuts when you need her?

  19. Anonymous9.12.08

    I think custom converse are the greatest thing since your grampa's hand-me-down socks.

  20. Anonymous9.12.08

    flats = women's lib

  21. Anonymous9.12.08

    You know how FINALS = Fuck, I never actually learned shit? What would CONFERENCE = ?

    This is all I got. Haha.

    C - Cocksuck!
    O - Oh
    N - No
    F - Fair.
    E -
    R -
    E -
    N -
    C -
    E -

  22. Anonymous9.12.08

    that agony site looks pretty hot, but I can barely admit to myself that I buy alcohol, let alone buy porn :P

  23. Anonymous9.12.08

    Hey Anonymous, I gave you the password. You don't have to pay for it. Enjoy.

  24. Anonymous9.12.08

    Oh, WORD?!
    I don't have to upload anything to use the account, do I?

  25. Anonymous9.12.08

    thank you thank you thank you thank you for posting a username and pw for beautiful agony. I've been filling myself with the free previews for quite a while. You've made a lot of my dreams come true.

  26. Anonymous9.12.08

    There's talk of starting something similar for campus. Sexually liberate ourselves from objectified bodies and devalued personalities. I've already made some fun liberated porn of myself in Photo Booth.
    -purposefully ugly porn (see octopus/febricity on page 1)
    -mirror image porn
    -face porn (like beautiful agony)
    -shadow porn (like that flash fiction piece the other day)

    It's all pretty artsy and ridiculous. I kind of want to share it but I don't know how.

  27. Anonymous9.12.08

    BTW anonymous, you should upload something if you end up using the site alot. they pay you $200 and you only have to show your face--then you can pass a little of that back to the separatists for building slides and other community-friendly silliness.

    no pressure, of course, but i bet you make some sexy faces

  28. Anonymous9.12.08

    Hey I was just on the site, and was poking around and saw this warning message

    "!! Your account has been used from several locations. Is your password secure?
    Accounts which show shared passwords may be suspended or cancelled."



  29. Anonymous9.12.08

    C - Cocksuck!
    O - Oh
    N - No
    F - Fair.
    E - Everyone
    R - Really
    E - Emits
    N - Nasty
    C - Crotchety
    E - Emotions

    Oh yeah, and re: awkward porn, I'm sure febricity would just find it amusing.

  30. Anonymous9.12.08

    Alright folks if you're logged in download whatever looks the most intriguing. Then please log out and make some hot liberated anonymous porn we can share with each other, or come over to my place and use the password on my computer to watch incredible ecstatic faces. You could always get your own account for $15, but don't forget to check out their sexy sister sites and make sure you like Beautiful Agony the best.

  31. Anonymous9.12.08

    P.S. To reiterate, Photo Booth's video effects are the shit if you treat them right.

  32. Anonymous9.12.08

    There once was a technician named Urban,
    Who had an affair with a turbine.
    "It's much nicer," he said,
    "Than a woman in bed,
    And it's sure as hell cheaper than bourbon!"

  33. Anonymous9.12.08

    There once was a newspaper vendor;
    a person of dubious gender
    For a quarter or two,
    ze would charge you to view
    hir remarkable double pudenda.

  34. Anonymous9.12.08

    submit ::: jan 9
    To members of TAFFY HIPS

    Zara Messano
    Add as Friend
    December 8 at 11:57am
    ((((( JANUARY 9th 2009 ))))))

    this 2nd issue will be bigger: 12 pages! or more!
    so let's see what you've got!

    we realize this is over break, so if you've made something but have no scanner, send us an email by the 9th to let us know.

    please please please we want to publish yr stuff so give us a heads up if you're interested sooner than later.

    &&& as you should know:

    ** first issue ** is out! find it in the library or heimbold.
    for locations outside slc: check out the blog!
    (some copies at desert island in brooklyn
    & ada books in providence)


    z & g

  35. Anonymous9.12.08

    Pudenda from the Latin for a shaming.

  36. OK so the particularly sexual stuff is now going in its own place:

    Liberate Sex from Drama and Fear

    So yes, Anonymous, we're making threads. But not as freely. We want to be accountable to each other as an online forum--naturally the sex stuff will cross many comfort zones but at least the tone of the conversation won't be oppressive and the other posters won't have to read all of it if they don't choose to.

    Don't think of this as censorship, Anonymous--we're creating space for crazy filthy beautiful sexy conversations. We can make love in this pub.

    Liberate Sex from Drama and Fear

    We also compiled all the sexy posts to date and bolded the fun parts so new readers can catch up.

    Liberate Sex from Drama and Fear

  37. Anonymous9.12.08

    i'm really tired of slc students disrespecting the people who work for flik, the cleaning staff, and the landscapers. it's so gross and it needs to stop. people here get a little to swept up in how pampered we are, and it's like they just look through all the people who make it that way. stop acting like they work for YOU. they don't work for YOU.

  38. Anonymous9.12.08

    right on. the best way to get what you both want is to make friends--like the woman who came in wanting to vaccuum when i stayed after class and i tried out the vacuum to give her a break.

    of course i sucked at vaccuming around a round table--it's not as easy as they make it look, especially with all those crumbs in the carpet from our weekly class snack. and the tapeta was vieja she said so hard to vacuum. her night job--she babysits by day. and learns english from the dedicated language partnership crew (emma! jasmine! alex b! props) every friday night at 8 along with her other nightshift abm friends--busier than a music third and kids besides. and the night jobs are hard because you lost all your focus taking care of spoiled white bronxville kids. can you relate with any of this? it reminds me of conference week--all the time.

    of course there's my own language partner who's been in and out of disability leave--she's been working here ten years--and is getting knee surgery in january. i really wonder if it's work related: the old dorms are probably tough on an older woman. another woman fell down the stairs two years ago.

    why don't people know any of this? learn some spanish, folks. and if you have some, try to use it. people have plenty to say that goes right over your shoulders.

    -israel from the pub, about philosophy and painting
    -whathisname from reisinger, about labor :(sorry--I still love you)
    -carlos from the pub (read his neck), about hot guys and boyfriends
    -alvaro from hill house, about immigration
    -daisy from bates (not the dining hall), about life

    Be friendly and risk messing up a verb. It's a double dog dare.

  39. Anonymous9.12.08

    [crossposted from sex]

    "...we were too wolfed out and covered in lupine jism to question that No Child Left Behind would consider Wolof an essential life skill, when Obama had always favored Swahili and Indonesian... but President Palin always prefered Russian, even though the Siberian wilds were clearcut to form a direct visual pathway between her house and the Kremlin all those time zones away. all anyone could think about were her sweet Republican legs. too pilfs in a row is more than impressionable horny frustrated teens can handle, and once we made it into Sarah Lawrence Higher School..."

  40. Anonymous10.12.08

    I haven't been under the influence of anything for awhile.
    Last night though, was I did the only one who saw the UFO zooming up Kimball around 9:50-ish?
    There was one other person on the street, who wasn't paying attention and didn't see it.
    I just need to know I wasn't alone.
    It probably wasn't extra-terrestrial, but like a military jet or something.
    It was triangular and had two powerful headlights in the front and made a loud noise.

    Please. Let me know I'm not the only one who saw it.

  41. Anonymous10.12.08

    Mary mary quite contrary
    widely known to be a fairy
    like to do it with a gay
    always rolling in the hay.

    Please dear Mary, do come tarry
    I'll admit that I'm quite hairy
    Then again you should be wary
    Of a bear whose name is Gary.

  42. Anonymous10.12.08

    There are too many people here not to be on the horse. At some point everyone should get back on the horse, even if they weren't on it in the first place.

  43. Anonymous10.12.08

    Is this a mare I should marry?

  44. Anonymous10.12.08

    I've been under the influence of your UFO and some times I think I see it in the corner of people's eyes. It reminds me of a reverse snowglobe, ready to explode at any moment. Like all those fake Santas in malls everywhere, waiting for you to tug off their beards in triumph. "oh oh oh" the beardbellies deflate like antigravity dropped baloons repelling the earth's core like an electromagnet on the cup.

    "Cum all over us! Pretty pretty please!" the aliens begged when they had abducted me to their lair in space, which reminded me of some burlesque dressing room from the 20s with a tall Jewish redhed serving vomitous cocktails. It was a forgotten photoshop lair you lost under yr art project, mayhaps, but we were certainly in outer space because the fasten seat belt sign wasn't lit up on the corny light bulb mirror.

    I refused flatly to ejaculate on their faces. Too demeaning to my ego for my semen to contact such green-skinned greasers. Saturday, what a day, I thought, but I wasn't grooving at all in my twirly barber stool. In fact I was mourning my typewritten conference work, which in fact, had exploded into flames inexplicably at the tail end of a bout of chain lightning the other day.

  45. Anonymous10.12.08

    I speak Spanish, but I'm sort of nervous to use it to talk to the Flik workers -- not because I'm afraid I'll mess up because I probably will and that doesn't really bother me, but more that I'm afraid that it'll be seen as pretentious or offensive in some way. Am I alone in this?

  46. Anonymous10.12.08

    no you're not alone. I feel you.

    BTW, I really did see a UFO *sighs*
    after that I did dream I was pregnant last night. So maybe I'm impregnated by those green skinned greaser?
    but then again, I do have a serious pregnant woman fetish. Ahh. I think I may indeed be getting a little more saner than usual.

  47. Anonymous10.12.08

    Pregnant women are where this planet came from. We should all be worshipping fertility, not fearing it with every moment of our being.

    Not that I'm telling y'all to get pregnant or anything. But the soul withina soul is so incredible.

  48. Anonymous10.12.08

    I wish for another world, one where all stories are real. They've got to be, somewhere.

  49. Anonymous11.12.08

    They are in our heads. That's where it matters. I hear the shadow thing was nonfiction.

  50. Anonymous11.12.08

    Hey guys, just a serious post for a second. This is Walker, aka Patrick. I lost two stones recently that are VERY important to me. I'm about to go out into the suddenly gigantic world of the campus in search of them but it would be a great help if anyone has seen them to let me know where.


    -One is a "feminine" energy stone (kansas pop rock), about the size of a golf ball. A picture of one can be found here (the smoother of the two):

    -The other is a labrodorite stone about the size of a quarter, though a different shape. A good picture of one may be found here:

    If found, please contact .

    Also, if somebody is able to post a version of this on SLC Anon, since I don't have the web address or any real inclination to go there, that would be wonderful.

  51. Anonymous11.12.08

    -Hi, I'm a mac.
    -Hi, I'm a pc.
    -Hi, I'm a human hard drive. (hard drive dance) You can put your videos on me.

  52. Anonymous11.12.08

    Food Autonomy Faction!!!

    foraging, musket hunting, gardening, fishing, skinning and leatherworking, taxidermy, indigenous recipes, visiting reservations for skill-sharing

  53. Anonymous11.12.08

    Please pray for Walker's stones. I mean it.

  54. Anonymous11.12.08

    "Chicken check, one two three"
    (into mic)

  55. Anonymous11.12.08

    -Why did the chicken cross Kimball?
    -It was performance art.

  56. Anonymous11.12.08

    Why did the chicken cross Kimball? To get to the Mobil.

  57. Anonymous11.12.08

    Why did the chicken cross kimball?
    It was exploring other sexualities.


    starts at four. ends?

  59. Anonymous11.12.08


  60. Let's quote the revolution in Reisinger:

  61. Anonymous11.12.08

    audience participation!

  62. Anonymous11.12.08

    Tom Blum's email address:

    What are the three most important things you learned in the strategic plan confab?

  63. Anonymous11.12.08

    12/09/08 3
    Cornerstone: Living & Learning at SLC

    The opportunity exists to promote a greater sense of student community and to further enliven
    the campus. Enriching the social, extracurricular and educational environment for
    undergraduate and graduate students is essential in this regard. The planning process should
    explore ways to promote expanded student programming, service learning, internships, club
    activities, interaction with alumnae/i (mentors or career counselors) and athletic opportunities—
    to foster a campus climate that is conducive to student collaboration, inclusivity and collegiality.
    These are qualities that will be essential to meaningful work and life both at SLC and beyond.
    The quality of the physical environment is equally important to ensuring that the campus is
    welcoming to all of its constituents. Within the constraints necessary to achieve financial
    equilibrium, Sarah Lawrence should explore significant ways to improve the working and living
    conditions—the physical plant—of the College, including improved residence hall conditions,
    updated classroom and library space, and adequate offices for faculty. As in each of the previous
    Cornerstones, environmental sustainability must inform these decisions.

  64. Anonymous11.12.08

    "Be agents" ... for community

  65. Anonymous11.12.08

    the ghost of Sarah Lawrence sends approving snap-static through the speaker system

  66. Anonymous11.12.08

    That confab was orgastic!

  67. Anonymous12.12.08

    Is hating hate, hateful or good?


  68. Anonymous12.12.08

    i wanna make love in this tub

  69. Anonymous12.12.08

    Ignore hate, or funnel it positively into love.

    (finger paint)

  70. Anonymous12.12.08

    entwine. in twine.
    my back is red
    [your Roman wine?]

    [Urinal count: 1]

    & everything is not

    (-until I get my bifocal-benjamins back.
    next to your typewriter? I am blind until I next see you, see?

  71. Anonymous12.12.08

    Ho ho hyo sé, cañu, ¿sí?
    what is meta for
    if not mini? my winter
    belly burbles for you
    from the Tub honey
    bee, be be be be you
    I see it in every fold
    of the blue
    contagious tub ring
    the charm in my arm
    charmed I'm sure

  72. Anonymous12.12.08

    i see georgia
    [KINO] eye see georgia
    beneath a menthol waterfall
    and our yellow thumbs

    & [RADIO] eye guess i do eat meat
    with olive oil

    (“Olive” is French for “Olive”)

  73. Anonymous12.12.08

    Hi everyone-

    Alumna here, living with a fellow alumna in the Sarah Lawrence exodus-land AKA Brooklyn...

    And she came home with a baby guinea pig. What the fuck are we going to name him? He is black, white and brown and he is an Abyssinian guinea pig.

    Names in the running:
    Chet Biscardi (she was a music third)

    Any other suggestions?

  74. Anonymous13.12.08

    for the past week, I thought I had to wake up at 9am today! but I double checked, and I don't! yayyyyyy!

  75. Anonymous13.12.08

    I think Chet would be flattered to have a guinea pig named after him

  76. Anonymous13.12.08

    Chronicle of today's festivities:
    -singing under bridges (Kimball and an obscure Midland) [perfect busking spots]
    -sharing three cups of homemade pub veggie chili w a thousand spoons
    -riding in a shopping cart towards fleetwood
    -pantomiming sex in the blue room
    -scouting out tomorrow's orgy (slonim woods woods, 3am)
    -buying kool cigarettes to be kool with a k
    -telling the pub workers que hoy ustedes han cocinado lo mejor que ya me recuerdo en tres años (incl. bistek! juicy, no joke, and said ambroisia of chili)
    -making up my missed chore points for the week in my apartment
    -walking in on the wrong show in the pac, staying, and it was amazing tragicomic improv
    -making walker a handmade mininotebook with found materials in five minutes
    -spraying the free speech (or rather updating the existing text)
    -various three-way (+) sexual energy
    -discovering that there's a MILKMAN who delivers in bronxville w glass bottles and all (ok that was at meerkat but i forgot to mention it)
    -revelry revelry revelry

    Tomorrow is my conference project. No more, no less.

  77. Anonymous13.12.08

    My event invitations are fabulous right now:

    "Informal End-of-Year funtimesinthevillage Book Swap (Sarah Lawrence)
    Friday, December 12th, 6:45pm at sadie lou
    You have been invited by Naomi Kaye.
    Add an RSVP note to the event profile: (optional)

    Will you attend this event?


    Shadow Puppet SHOW(DOWN)
    Sunday, December 14th, 8:00pm at MEHALAND
    You have been invited by Meghan Orbek.
    Add an RSVP note to the event profile: (optional)

    Will you attend this event?


    Holiday Choir Concert
    Sunday, December 14th, 5:00pm at Reisinger Concert Hall
    You have been invited by Abigail Welhouse.
    Add an RSVP note to the event profile: (optional)

    Will you attend this event?


    Gelt-O-Grams (Sarah Lawrence)
    Monday, December 15th, 12:30pm at The Pub
    You have been invited by Mira B. Shore.
    Add an RSVP note to the event profile: (optional)

    Will you attend this event?


    Monday, December 15th, 7:00pm at Marshall Field Room 1
    You have been invited by Abigail Welhouse.
    Add an RSVP note to the event profile: (optional)

    Will you attend this event?


    Search for Student-Written Plays
    Monday, December 8th, 9:00am at Wherever We Are
    You have been invited by Yoshi Kuroi.
    Add an RSVP note to the event profile: (optional)

    Will you attend this event?

  78. Anonymous13.12.08

    Why did the chicken walk down Kimball?
    To sing under a bridge.

  79. Anonymous13.12.08

    Why did the chicken cross Kimball?
    To go to that orgy.

  80. Anonymous13.12.08

    Wtf-- an orgy? What's happening at this school? I've been going to this school for four years and this kind of shit never happens. Where have i been?!

  81. Anonymous13.12.08

    i'm down

  82. Anonymous13.12.08

    what kind of masks are you guys thinking of wearing?

  83. Anonymous13.12.08

    "Bacchus" had this tripped out scarf on his face yesterday...

  84. Anonymous13.12.08

    I'm going w my gf. I don't think we're gonna swing but public/outdoors is sexy.

  85. Anonymous13.12.08

    Get a womb guys. I think this kind of madness is why there's a sex thread. I don't want to know about it.

  86. Anonymous13.12.08

    it might be a po cho. what if security hears a noise complaint.

  87. Anonymous13.12.08

    The post says there's no talking, just moaning.

  88. I don't know whose brilliant idea this was but just be safe folks. Fight Murphy with some foresight. And have a ball.

  89. Oh yeah, and no one get pneumonia.

  90. Anonymous13.12.08

    You should name yr guinea pig chet baker

  91. Anonymous13.12.08

    hate makes waste

  92. Anonymous13.12.08

    (scroll up a bit after y click on the link)

  93. Anonymous13.12.08

    Pre-Holiday Party (in my pants)
    Conference work? FUCK DAT SHIT
    Event Info
    Dinner Party Army - Support our gluttonous troops!
    Wednesday night

  94. Anonymous13.12.08

    Enough orgy talk. Does everyone remember the tamer spontaneity coming up? Primal Screen Reprise?

    It's at 8 sharp in front of the lib. Be there.

  95. Anonymous13.12.08


    My roommate came home and we have officially decided the peeglet is called Biscardi.

  96. If you too think these last two weeks have been crazy amazing, write in, report back, and speculate about it for Sadie Lou. They'll publish anything at this point.

    And we need more "mainstream media coverage." It'll actually help build momentum w folks who don't realize what's going on. The Phoenix wouldn't hurt either.

    Also, if we speak for ourselves, it'll be harder for others to misrepresent us bc right now it's as if we didn't exist.

  97. Anonymous13.12.08

    slcanon is dead. long live slcanon

  98. Anonymous13.12.08

    They really started to shape up after we began intervening. A cryin shame--(not!)

    Well, that shows us all not to get Murphy's attn

  99. Anonymous13.12.08

    Also, besides the scream and the orgy there's a jam at the blue room with total audience participation. We're bringing instruments. nine something?

  100. Anonymous13.12.08

    You guys remind me of that HBO show Real Sex.

  101. Come on folks. Sex thread!

  102. Anonymous13.12.08

    how to make a cool bag:!-293367/

    please be aware of the 2010 winter olympics:


  103. Anonymous14.12.08

    purple mask, huge balls, yodeled at moon.
    another tryst?

  104. Anonymous14.12.08

    anagrams for "georgian separatists":

    A Teargassing Rose Pit
    A Garage Sinister Spot
    A Garage Snottier Sips
    A Garage Sportiest Sin
    A Garage Resist Piston
    A Parsonage Tires Gist
    A Agitate Press Groins

  105. Anonymous14.12.08

    did anyone see my blue ski mask? i left in a hurry...

  106. Anonymous14.12.08


  107. Anonymous14.12.08

    There were so many shooting stars last night! Lick my eyeballs, magnificent heavens.

  108. A Night of A Cappella with Treble in Paradise and Vocal Minority!
    Monday, December 15th, 10:00pm at Titsworth Lecture Hall
    You have been invited by Caleb Oliver L. (Sarah Lawrence).
    Add an RSVP note to the event profile: (optional)
    Will you attend this event?
    Remove from My Events | Ignore All Invites From This Friend

    You will be attending Informal End-of-Year funtimesinthevillage Book Swap.

    Speak. Easy. Wednesday.
    Wednesday, December 17th, 6:00pm at DownStage Theatre
    You have been invited by Hannah Tierney (Sarah Lawrence).
    Add an RSVP note to the event profile: (optional)
    Will you attend this event?
    Remove from My Events | Ignore All Invites From This Friend

    The BlackList at DownStage's Winter WhiteOut Party
    Thursday, December 18th, 10:00pm at DownStage
    You have been invited by Marisa Reo Delmore (Sarah Lawrence).
    Add an RSVP note to the event profile: (optional)
    Will you attend this event?

  109. Anonymous14.12.08

    i've got the blues

  110. I really think all your orgy talk alienated people from loranon. In the future, Anonomi, if you know you're really crossing boundaries, please try to keep it in the relevent thread.

  111. Anonymous14.12.08

    Why did the chicken cross Kimball?
    To get away from that orgy.

  112. Anonymous14.12.08

    we don't need orgies to spread the love, people.
    1073 spells love (sort of).

    oh and jen waller looked SO cute at the primal scream tonight.

  113. Anonymous14.12.08

    hopped up on coffee
    fuck, if I were a frog, I definitely wouldn't have conference work right now.

  114. Anonymous14.12.08

    this is the shining. in 30 seconds. re-enacted by bunnies. you know you want it.

  115. Anonymous14.12.08

    There isn't enough saline upon my tongue. I'm not giving up, despite contact lenses on my taste buds.

  116. Anonymous14.12.08


    There is a little Alberta Spruce adopted from Bronxville (fondly christened "Nondenominational Dwarf Tree")in Lynd 3. He is currently unclad and very sad. He is a community creature and craves any of your unwanted decorations and found objects to boost his ego.

  117. Anonymous14.12.08

    Etaoin shrdlu. The most common letters in the alphabet. And an alien kid's book character from my writing class in high school.

  118. Anonymous14.12.08

    In this moment I was born at a 36˚ angle across the table from you

    Your necklace earring tear ducts move forward to underbite.
    Breast and hearts. All over in the stained-glass wood light reflection.
    Chapstick floats and a curve mirrors a curve, crease of mouth and brow.
    Bluish yellow black arch and grape of back.
    Blueberry veins in orchata arm.
    Yeast and egg and flour stretched as calf.
    A spoonful of kiwi dipped in tap water, your eyes.

  119. Anonymous14.12.08

    and now you know what music sounds like.

  120. Anonymous14.12.08

    mandy's piece at the winter dance concert. brillig. second that for moriah's.

  121. Anonymous14.12.08

    "no, i'm listening to ghostbusters..." -gwen

  122. Anonymous14.12.08

    Your voi(x)ce in my ears for two day and a few hours.

  123. Anonymous14.12.08

    COME SEE THE SARAH LAWRENCE GAMELAN ENSEMBLE, 7PM TUESDAY IN REISINGER! We won't be playing the Beatles, but here's a tune that we're playing arranged for bluegrass instruments:

    Ok, here's more what it will be like:

    Yes. Dancers.

  124. Anonymous14.12.08


    voix and anonymous sitting in a tree
    la la la la la la la la

  125. Anonymous14.12.08


    scuffle-shuffle across the library carpet (this may be most effective if you are in your socks) and then touch your index finger to a neighboring human.

    We have yet to experience passing the shock through other appendages, but we encourage the experimentation.

  126. Anonymous14.12.08

    Does anybody know the girl who organized the American Sign Language classes on-campus this past semester who mentioned it at the community discussion? Or the teacher who teaches it? Or how to take it next semester? Super-interested.

    -Walker ( ). Or e-mail .

  127. Anonymous15.12.08

    "But I feel that the act of giving someone a rock is still a form of non-verbal communication." -Abby Welhouse

  128. Anonymous15.12.08

    Now that I've had a couchsurfer named Eran, I should get ones named Eraq and Ephganistan.

    He was really the sweetest guy ever. Too bad he only stayed one night. The double take everyone had when he introduced himself was brillig.

  129. Anonymous15.12.08

    I figured out how to throat-sing yesterday. It's like learning how to whistle. And now I can harmonize with myself.

    Ask me if you want to learn--it's not so easy to teach, but once you've done it once at all you can figure out the rest pretty easily.


  130. Anonymous15.12.08


  131. Anonymous15.12.08

    it's where you sing multiple notes at once. i heard him sing 'silent night' with harmonies all by himself on the hot rock

  132. Anonymous15.12.08

    You've got your hair permed
    You've got your red dress on
    Screamin' that second gear was such a turn on
    And the fog forming on my window tells me that the morning here
    And you'll be gone before too long

    Who taught you those new tricks?
    Damn I shouldn't start that talk,
    but life is one big question when your starin at the clock
    And the answers always waiting at the liquor store, 40 oz to Freedom,
    so I'll take that walk.

    And I know that ohhhh...I'm not comin back
    Ohh not going back
    God knows not going back

    You look so fine when you lie it just don't show,
    That I know which way the wind blows
    40 oz to freedom is the only chance I have to feel good,
    even though I feel bad

    And I know that ohhhh...I'm not comin back
    Ohh not going back
    God knows I'm not going back
    God knows I'm not going back

  133. Anonymous16.12.08

    harlem 125, melrose, tremont, fordham, botanical garden, woodlawn, wakefield, mount vernon west, fleetwood, bronxville

  134. Anonymous16.12.08

    come see walker's pieces at music tuesday!

  135. Anonymous16.12.08

    I will give...something (including the money for it) (a book/music/whatever reasonable thing you want) to anyone who is willing to go to the Mobile and get me some redbull and chocolate!
    Pretty please
    especially for you hill people!
    you're like two seconds away.
    then you can drop it off at Heim!

  136. Anonymous16.12.08

    so how did the orgy go?

  137. Anonymous17.12.08

    I wish more people would use this.

  138. Anonymous17.12.08

    hey loranon people! this is Pan speaking!

    I'm done with my conference work as of a few hours ago... and despite (or because of) the sleep I sacrificed to get it done, I'm all wired and ancy and stuff and I want to go watch movies in the library with people.

    anyone want to hang out with me? like, now? (my birth name is Tami, but you can call me Pan!)

  139. Anonymous17.12.08

    by the way--Bacchus darling, I think loranon would be easier to navigate if the posts were in reverse chronological order (as in, the newer posts on top). is it possible to change that?

  140. Anonymous17.12.08

    I forgave someone today and I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders; I don't know if I should tell her I forgave her though. She probably has forgotten all about it, or perhaps she still thinks she was in the right. She really was not, but it happened almost three years ago. I need to simplify who needs to forgive and who needs to be forgiven. I saw her last night and realized she wasn't horrible, just that she operates in a way differently than I do. While what she did pretty much ruined my life, I was kind of at fault too as was another person. So I forgave her for what she did. Some of it. The part that I believe was not poorly intentioned. And I feel kind of OK.

  141. Anonymous18.12.08

    Hey georgianseparatist folks.

    I think what you all are trying to accomplish on this campus is great. We need a much stronger sense of community on this campus, and I think it really does need to start from the bottom up.

    However, and believe me that i am saying this with nothing but love in my heart,

    I think you would all be a lot more successful in bringing about change if you didn't come off to outsiders at completely fucking bonkers. because right now you come off as completely fucking bonkers. nutty. i just want to make the pub a nicer place and trade a few books, not shed the heavy burden of the capitalist system or call you by codenames or speak in ridiculous made up dialects or make shit out of scraps of of other shit or what have you.

    hope this helps.

    wishing you all the best.

  142. Anonymous18.12.08

    guacamole! holy moly!

  143. Anonymous18.12.08


  144. We at meerkat day own up to be crazy fucking bronkers. Why would you want it any other way? On the other hand, you don't have to be a separatist of bonkers to enjoy and/or create community, and the crazy shit we do sets the bar pretty high in that regard in a beautiful way.

  145. Anonymous18.12.08

    Re: "I forgave someone today..."

    That's really beautiful. We should all be able to forgive more, give more, love more, live more.

  146. Anonymous18.12.08

    (re: previous comment)

    Thanks. I had realized I've spent the last two and a half years passively begging for forgiveness (from someone else, not the person I forgave but the person with whom things were ruined BY the person I forgave) and I realized I haven't been such a forgiving person myself. It still hurts, but I feel like I've broken at least one chain in my web of grudges and it feels good.

  147. Anonymous18.12.08

    Hey guys--
    I think I've graduated from tiltawhirl to teepee or maybe even monkey.

  148. Anonymous18.12.08

    dear Bacchus,
    welcome to being a waltz-monkey! its fun, I promise
    love love love

  149. Anonymous18.12.08

    I semi-love and semi-hate that feeling of know the one, like you're getting over bronchitis and you're pretty sure that one last big nasty cough you did cleared EVERYTHING out, or like that dump you just took dropped you a dress size.

    I have that feeling again; I loved someone and lost him, now he's back on the radar but still lost, and every time I think about him my chest feels hollow and infinite and my pants settle lower on my hips. He affects me to an unnerving degree; I know it's unnerving to him, but he doesn't know it's unnerving to me.

  150. Anonymous18.12.08

    And I realize we can create our own mythologies
    we can make ourselves deities
    but I press my hands the grain of the woodwork of the floorboards & try for camouflage

    I have all the courage to fail
    & none to stand up

  151. Anonymous18.12.08

    I think the person I like also likes me, but has a girlfriend. I wish it didn't have to be like this.

  152. Anonymous18.12.08

    I love Marni. Does she date?

  153. Anonymous18.12.08

    Larkin? Is that you?

  154. Anonymous19.12.08

    Dear Esther Raushenbush Library -

    You were a warm and loving womb. I wait until you can hold me again at ungodly hours.

  155. Anonymous19.12.08

    And I realize we can create our own mythologies
    we can make ourselves deities
    the little engine that could was a heart
    or a brain, and our president's name remains
    a foreign sound among truman, nixon, clinton
    yes we can do the can-can on the north lawn
    no throng can totes prolong our abundant sarongs
    as we twitter and twitch our tits at the blizzard
    buzzing down like the kimball ufo.
    our parents forked over zillions.
    let's get our tits' worth and ball kim
    in western lands until the writing in the snow
    says texas and the sky shuts up, until
    every film's vaginal and every car's anal
    until yoko ono yoko ono liberal arts liberal arts
    until thursday trade yr trash for treasure
    until we come all over this campus
    in january lugging looms, wombs,
    and beerbrewing kits ready to grow
    something from scratch till it blooms
    and doesn't itch.

    but I press my hands the grain of the woodwork of the floorboards & try for camouflage

    I have all the courage to fail
    & none to stand up

  156. Anonymous19.12.08

    Evaluation: your introduction and body are brimming, your conclusion needs more support.

  157. Anonymous19.12.08

    A little reportback from the honestly sexy faction:
    -there was no orgy when it was announced. a few of us went and howled clothed at the fullish moon. a bit of yodeling
    -there was a makeout orgy in hill some days later. all 10 of us made out with all 10 of us, few exceptions. some participants got special afterwards
    -thursday night's chronology in slonim: shirtless o'clock, pantsless o'clock, naked o'clock. entirely friendly, some lapdancing but otherwise platonish. ben was donned tacit (pronounced "tack") the wave of the order of the fro. all hail

  158. Anonymous19.12.08

    'Twas naked o'clock all around the world peeps. Rockin'.

  159. Anonymous19.12.08

    Marni. If you'd take me, I'd be yours.

    i lack
    a cock

  160. Anonymous19.12.08

    Suggested potion:

    Disaronno & milk (on the rocks)

    proportions... as you wish.

  161. Anonymous20.12.08

    all hail tacit

  162. Anonymous22.12.08

    break is so freeing

    experiences in the city this wknd (no lies):
    -a "gold dealer" tried to con me but we just shot the shit. basically he was doing that african bank email only in person
    -30 min chat w a street poet, bought said's handwritten manuscript
    -group improv mixer at the magnet theater, thought i saw chet in the audience but wasnt her
    -busking all day sunday in the subway system. only made 12 dollars or so but it was fantastic & i think i'll do it weekly. so much love in the tunnel under times square, less love above
    -caroling in grand central: four musical jews. i plan to join them in brooklyn on xmas eve, if anyone's free to go to park slope
    -meeting a synaesthetic spiritualist 22-yo classically trained mezzo who lives in bronkers. i went all out, she still seemed very interested. her psychic had talked all about me today in predictions for 2009 (no joke, friends)

  163. Anonymous22.12.08

    Someone who I met through my semester abroad program, and haven't seen since, is in the area for break. I contacted this person a few times via facebook suggesting that we hang out. No response.

    Through facebook photos, I see that this person is hanging out with basically all of our mutual friends in the area that we met through the program...
    and not me.

    What's up with that? I don't see what I did to warrant this. Ouch.

  164. Anonymous22.12.08

    Did you sleep together? That's usually the reason people get ignored. Even when it's so friendly and loving... i don't get it.

    But if that's it i got nothing only knowing you anonymously

  165. Anonymous28.12.08

    Bacchus, wish you were near. Need to busk, real bad. Miss you.

    b.t.dubs, I got your message about Tacit's name in the name section, but I don't have my phone charger right now to call you back. I can update the donning objects when I'm at my mom's (where the postIt is that has all that info).

    Whoa, the walk feels real fresh today.

  166. Anonymous28.12.08

    Speaking of walks.

  167. Anonymous30.12.08

    I feel it all back, man. Though I'm psyched for you to be back here because I just pimped threeng w all kinds of amazingness from my grandparent's move. You won't believe the crazy in my kitchen for one.

    Miss bumping boobs (as always),


  168. Anonymous12.1.09

    Engineer's Guide to Cats. 6 minutes. Worth it.

  169. Anonymous15.1.09

    Lingo kids out there, prepare for Wiki and MetaWiki:




    And for Bacchus, maybe others:הויפט_זייט


    Okay, that's all for now I s'pose.

  170. Anonymous16.1.09

    Oh, also, the motherload of awesome:

  171. Anonymous1.2.09

    Rob *The Poet* Winslow is my hero. Ask him for a copy of "His Many Failures 2" and he will sell you ($1-$5. ish.) spoken word like you never heard. Listen to "Freedoms of Progression." Snap.

  172. Anonymous1.2.13

    I do not sweat in our bodies naturally perspire.
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    his face. If not embarrassing, excess sweating.
    Here is my web page


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